If you are seeing or hearing this, then either your browser/user agent does not support Cascading Style Sheets, or you have elected to turn them off.  You may see and/or hear immediately following this notice alerts regarding national security or the Amber Alert system that do not apply.  To see if these alerts apply, follow the links provided.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
The national Homeland Security Advisory System's Threat Condition is currently red, meaning severe.  Check your local radio or television stations for up-to-date information.  You may also check the National Homeland Security website or the Kentucky Homeland Security website for more information.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
The national Homeland Security Advisory System's Threat Condition is currently orange, meaning high.  Check your local radio or television stations for up-to-date information, or you may visit the National Homeland Security website or the Kentucky Homeland Security website for more information.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
An Amber Alert has been issued.  Visit the Kentucky Emergency Management website for information.  -Commonwealth of Kentucky
KY Copyright Notice

With respect to material copyrighted by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, including the design, layout, and other features of Kentucky.gov, the Commonwealth forbids any copying or use other than "fair use" under the Copyright Act.  "Fair use" includes activities such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, research, and other related activities.  In addition, please be advised that Kentucky.gov makes use of materials (including, but not limited to, photographs) copyrighted by third parties, which also cannot be copied or used for use other than "fair use" without permission of the copyright owner.  If you want to make use other than "fair use" of any copyrighted information on this Web site, you must seek permission directly from the copyright owner.

The Commonwealth makes no warranty that the materials contained within Kentucky.gov are free from copyright claims, or other restrictions or limitations on free use or display.  The Commonwealth disclaims any liability for the improper or incorrect use of information obtained from Kentucky.gov.

Published: 05/01/2004 [med]
Updated: 06/15/2005 [med]